Corporate Informtation

Commitment to sustainability

We are determined to contribute to the economy and society through our business with the consideration of sustainability to be an important pillar of our management.
We are promoting company-wide initiatives with the recognition that our commitment to sustainability is essential to our growth.

Therefore, based on a deep understanding of the 17 goals of the SDGs, we will promote ESG initiatives and gain the understanding of all stakeholders for our initiatives.

We will continue to place great importance on ensuring that our products achieve both the world’s top class functionality and productivity for our customers so that we can contribute to the sustainability of the global economy and society.
We also recognize our social responsibility as our products contribute to the evolution of social infrastructure such as data centers and edge devices such as PCs, smartphones and automobiles.

The following "Philosophy", "Vision", and "Core Values" are established so that all executive officers and employees can conduct business activities while emphasizing sustainability.
In addition, we have established the "Quality policy", "Safety/Health/Environment policy" and "Personnel policy" as our important management guidelines.

Our policies and important matters related to sustainability are deliberated by the Sustainability Committee composed of the president, executive officers, and general managers, and related committees, then going through the Executive Meeting, decisions will be made by the Board of Directors Meeting.
Regarding the promotion of decisions, the president presides the execution responsibility and appoints executive officers in charge of each field to address.

Philosophy, Vision, Core Values


We will continue to progress together with our customers by providing superior technology and reliable service. We aim to be a company where people can pleasantly work with pride and contribute to the creation of a prosperous and active society.


A technology company that will keep contributing to develop a prosperous digital society with the world's top fine and high-precision technology

Core Values

・ To serve customers around the world with the highest level of technology and craft
・ To always be the most helpful company in terms of functionality and performance
・ To value corporate ethics and act fair in all aspects
・ To be a great place to work with a pleasant working environment
・ To push the boundaries and advance as a professional
・ To bring out the best from teamwork with a wide perspective and good communication
・ To concentrate on speed and accuracy in every work

Quality policy

Customer satisfaction first

Each member of Via Mechanics shall improve the accuracy of one's work and we will provide the products with better technology / quality and reliable service to our customers.

Safety/Health/Environment policy

As safety, health, and environmental activities are the foundation of corporate management, we will manage safety, health and environment of our corporate activities to create a workplace that we can be proud of through minimizing the impact on health, safety and environment to the people who work at our company and the communities.

1.We will strive to furthermore enhance safety, health and environmental management by including environmental
  protection, prevention of disasters and pollution with the priority of compliance with laws and regulations related
  to safety, health and environment, as well as company standards, and consideration for local residents.
2.We will evolve from "zero accidents" to "zero danger" to have a safe and comfortable workplace.
3.We will promote communication not only with all employees, but also with the cooperation of those working in the
  factory, and carry out safety, health, and environmental activities with full participation.
4.Through employee training and internal publicity activities, we will strive to raise safety, health and environmental
5.In carrying out safety, health, and environmental activities, we will allocate appropriate management resources and
  continuously implement effective improvements.
6.We will manage chemical substances contained in products, promote environmentally friendly manufacturing, and
  enhance the environmental performance of our products in order to harmonize with the global environment.
7.We will strive to manage and reduce chemical substances contained in products.

Personnel policy

Based on the basic recognition that human resources are the source of the company's added value, we will conduct active and well-controlled organizational management.

1.Our personnel principles
  ・Pay for performance
  ・The right person in the right place
  ・Growth oriented
  ・Profit creation and proper return to employees

2.Personnel policy
  ・Active recruitment and training of mid-career and young employees
  ・Strengthen OJT(On the Job Training) in each workplace and promote development of human resources through
   work and experience
  ・Thorough treatment based on proper evaluation
  ・Continue to implement specific programs to create a great place to work with a pleasant working environment

ESG initiatives

“E” in ESG: Reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing and products, and supply earth-friendly products

Category 17 goals Theme Action policy

■ Reduction of resource depletion risk
■ Reduction of climate change risk
■ Reduction of environmental load due to
 power consumption
■ Practicing business activities that are
 friendly to the global environment
■ Recognize the impact of climate change
 on business as a risk
■ Contribute to the realization of a low-
 carbon society through the value chain in
 order to contribute to climate change

■ Reduce the environmental impact to our
 customers by enhancing the functionality and
 productivity of our products
■ Reduce power consumption in our production
■ Reduce environmental impact (compared to
 Reduce power consumption in our business and
 promote the use of renewable energy
 Reduce power consumption of our products
 Extending the life of our products through
 appropriate maintenance services
 Sharing policies and goals with suppliers
■ Address to GHG Protocol 1, 2 and 3
■ Address to TCFD Recommendations

“E” in ESG: Reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing and products, manage chemical substances contained in products, and provide customers with products that are friendly to the global environment

Category 17 goals Theme Action policy

■ Waste in production
・Appropriate treatment of waste generated
 from production (Comply with ISO14001)

■ Monitoring hazardous substances
・Reduction of product power consumption
 and improvement of production efficiency.
 Furthermore, the best promotion of
 mechanical components

■ Safety, Health and Environmental management
 Initiatives based on safety, health, and
 environmental policy
 Proactive cooperation in ESG activities of local
 Reduction of environmental load through
 Management of chemical substances contained
 in products (RoHS2 directive/TSCA regulation)
■ Reduction of industrial waste in production
 Separation and recycling of industrial waste such
 as packing materials and waste oil, etc
■ Collaborate with suppliers to reduce waste and
 hazardous substances

“S” in ESG: Realize advanced IT solutions and develop products for the creation of a prosperous society , while enhancing work-life balance to create a better society

Category 17 goals Theme Action policy

■ Passing on technology and craft
■ Human resource development for the future
・Establishment of human resource
 development program
 Gender equality recruitment plan
■Active participation of diverse human
 Promotion of diverse work styles
■Contribute to each local economy through
 sustainable growth of global locations

■Based on our top level technology and craft, we
 progress side by side with customers around the
・Proactive recruitment of human resources and
 development emphasizing OJT
・Proactive promotion of women (executive officers
 and employees)
・Support for active participation of global human
 resources regardless of nationality
・Realization of training programs for the succession
 of technology and craft
・Reduce turnover rate

“S” in ESG: Contribute to the realization of a prosperous digital society while maintaining harmony with society

Category 17 goals Theme Action policy

■ Promotion of fair employment, Fulfilling
 systems and a great company to work for
・Securing human resources
 Business continuity through continuously
 hiring new graduates

■ Realization of work-life balance
・Comply with occupational safety
 and health laws and regulations
・Enhancement of senior employee system
・Promoting the use of childcare leave

■Contributing to economic growth and the
 creation of a prosperous society with
 advanced IT solutions
■Contributing to the development of a
 prosperous digital society through products
 and services
 Contributing to build a safe and secure
 information communication infrastructure
 Reduction of social costs through IOT

■ Providing the world's cutting edge processing
・Environmentally friendly product development and
 market launch
・Contribute to enhance the productivity of our
 customers through the advancement of our
・Technology development to realize the
 development roadmap of our customers/end users
・Leading high-end processing and contributing to a
 prosperous IT society

■ Balancing accuracy and speed, Appropriate
■ Contributing to new businesses creation
 and increased employment opportunities in
 the region through supplying products
■ Thoroughly using appropriate amount of
 water, recycling, reusing, and treating
 wastewater, while working to improve usage
 efficiency and reduce the amount of usage
 in our business activities

■ Accurate communication with customers/end
■ Supplier monitoring and goal sharing
■ Contribution to and coexistence with local
■ Safety, Health and Environmental management
・Compliance with laws and regulations related to
 safety, health, and environment, as well as
 company standards, and coexistence with local
・Promote safety activities to prevent occupational
■ Quality control
・Business activities in line with quality and
 environmental targets
・Balancing accuracy and speed
・Manufacturing according to ISO9001

“G” in ESG: Maintain high corporate ethics and high accountability in management

Governance 17 goals Theme Action policy

■Corporate governance
■Make diversity an important and priority
 item in business operations
■Thorough governance that earns the trust
 of society and stakeholders

■ Business promotion system· Board of directors
・Executive meeting
・Board of auditors
・Risk and compliance committee
・Sustainability committee
・Occupational safety and environment committee